B. A. Bryce




Welcome to my personal website where I put things that might be of interest to others that I have done in my spare time.

You can check out my photography on Flickr. A lot of my open time goes into hiking/photography.

Of more interest to the general public might be my KiCAD tutorial that use to be on teho Labs. I will eventually shut down teho Labs so I have moved it over here. Before I shut it down completely I’d like to move some of the other content in the DOCs section over in an updated manner. Setting up an ARM toolchain, while wildly easier than it was in 2010, still requires some work for a novice and some of the documation on the web is less than clear for novices.

As this site is on github, hopefully all my code for projects will be easier to share. Perhaps I will add some pure software projects as well.