B. A. Bryce




I hope to start adding some fun new personal embedded systems projects here. Most of my embedded systems work recently has been for work purposes (lithography tools, detectors, and control systems for tools). I have taken down teho Labs which used to contain a lot of my main embedded system projects; with rapid changes in ICs most of the work is no longer really up to date. For instance I developed an open source media HiFi media player to play FLAC files but now you would likely use a Raspberry Pi for that.

I’ve moved my KiCAD tutorial here for long term preservation. Version 5.0 is out so hopefully I will update it soon.

An ancient (2006?) AVR project from my old website that still gets some traffic is the rapid slide digitizer. It is a good first bare metal project or project with relays/timing for someone new to embedded systems. Though I guess these days most folks would use an Arduino for such purposes rather than bare metal AVR.